
Female Focused Therapy with Cheryl Kennedy MacDonald


The Six Hidden Emotions That Could Be Holding You Back

As an experienced practitioner of emotional wellness and transformation, I’ve observed a common thread among many women I’ve worked with. This thread is composed of deeply suppressed emotions that, when left unchecked, can block personal growth and self-fulfillment, often leading to self-sabotage and emotional distress. It’s time to bring these shadowy emotions into the light. […]


How Creatrix Transformology Can Empower Expat Women

How Creatrix Transformology Can Empower Expat Women Moving to a new country can be an exhilarating adventure, filled with the promise of new experiences, cultures, and opportunities. But for many expat women, this transition also brings its share of challenges. Uprooted from familiar surroundings, family, friends, and often a career, it’s not uncommon to feel […]


The Final Step in Your Personal Development Journey: Uncover the Power of Creatrix® Transformology

The Final Step in Your Personal Development Journey: Uncover the Power of Creatrix® Transformology Are you still feeling stuck despite countless hours of counselling, self-help books, and personal development courses? It’s time to discover the magic of Creatrix® Transformology. If you’re reading this, you’ve likely dedicated significant time and effort to your personal development journey. […]


How Does Transformology Work?

  How Creatrix® Works Creatrix® is built upon five key stages that guide you towards profound personal transformation: Re-Lease: During this stage, you’ll confront and release deep-seated emotional blockages and limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Re-Learn: Armed with newfound clarity, you’ll uncover your soul’s unique life lessons and acquire the tools you need […]


Transforming Lives Through Creatrix®: Unlock Your Full Potential Today!

Transforming Lives Through Creatrix®: Unlock Your Full Potential Today! Have you ever wished you could shed your insecurities, inner conflicts, and self-doubt like an old skin? What if there was a path that could lead you to greater self-esteem, confidence, emotional intelligence, and even, creativity? A path that was not only safe and enjoyable but […]


Unraveling Epigenetics: The Powerhouse Behind Creatrix® Transformology for Women

Unraveling Epigenetics: The Powerhouse Behind Creatrix® Transformology for Women Ladies, today we are stepping into the fascinating realm of epigenetics, the game-changing science that is revolutionizing our understanding of genes and their influence on our lives. What’s more, we’re going to explore how this innovative field intersects with Creatrix® Transformology, unlocking the potential for profound […]


Embracing Transformation: The Powerful Synergy of Yoga and Transformology for Women

Embracing Transformation: The Powerful Synergy of Yoga and Transformology for Women Ladies, it’s time we delve deeper into the profound connection between yoga and transformology. This is not just about embracing a new fitness regime; it’s about embracing a holistic journey of transformation that empowers us to become the best versions of ourselves. Yoga, as […]