
Female Focused Therapy with Cheryl Kennedy MacDonald

Supporting Women Through Life’s Transitions

Guiding You Through Motherhood, Menopause and Emotional Challenges

Compassionate Therapy for Women Facing Life-Altering Changes and Mental Health Concerns

“Navigating the post-partum period was overwhelming until I found Cheryl. Her empathetic and professional approach made all the difference. I felt understood and supported every step of the way.” – J L

Deep Understanding of Women’s Issues

With two decades of experience, I have gained a deep understanding of the issues women face during the key life transitions. Working as a counsellor, yoga master and perinatal coach and mentor, I am well placed to support you. 

  • Pregnancy and New Motherhood: I have supported hundreds if women through the emotional and physical changes of pregnancy and the early stages of motherhood, helping them prepare for and embrace their new roles. I am the creator of the Birth ROCKS Method and author of the best-selling book by the same name, helping women to birth calmly and comfortably. I have trained hundred of perinatal and baby yoga and massage teachers, and have a deep understanding of perinatal psychology.
  • Postnatal Depression: My personal experience and countless years workig with postpartum mums, allows me to identify and address the symptoms of postnatal depression effectively, providing the necessary support to help women regain their joy and balance.
  • Pregnancy Loss and Abortion: Having lost 6 pregnancies myself, I provide compassionate support for women dealing with the grief and emotional impact of pregnancy loss and abortion, helping them process their experiences and find healing.
  • Menopause: As the author of best-selling YogaPause book, I offer integrative strategies to manage the physical and emotional symptoms of menopause, helping women navigate this transition with confidence and ease.
  • Relocation and Life Changes: Having lived and worked in different parts of the world, I understand the challenges of explat life and relocation and provide support to help women adapt and thrive in new environments.
Extensive Expertise in Women’s Health

With over 20 years of specialized experience in supporting women through significant life transitions, I have developed a deep understanding of the unique challenges that women face during these critical periods. As the founder of global women’s yoga and wellness collective, YogaBellies, I have trained hundreds of teachers in how to support women through the key life stages. I have written 10 books in women’s health, focusing on these transitions.

Whether you’re stepping into motherhood, navigating menopause, or dealing with relocation, my comprehensive knowledge equips me to provide the best possible care tailored to your needs.

Psychotherapy and  Mental Health

My extensive background in treating mental health concerns like anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and low self-esteem ensures that you receive well-rounded support. Utilizing evidence-based therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), I help you develop effective coping strategies that promote long-term emotional well-being.


I pride myself on an empathetic and client-centered approach, making sure you feel understood and supported throughout your journey. My experience has taught me the importance of creating a safe, non-judgmental space where you can explore your feelings and work through challenges at your own pace.


Every woman’s experience with life transitions is unique, and my extensive experience allows me to offer personalized care that addresses your specific situation. From practical advice on managing daily stresses to mindfulness practices for emotional balance, my holistic approach ensures comprehensive support.


Things You Can Expect as a Result of Therapy

  • Emotional and Physical Support: Therapy provides a safe space to express fears, anxieties, and joys, helping you navigate significant emotional and physical changes.
  • Preparation for Life Transitions: Therapy assists in preparing for new roles and transitions, such as motherhood, menopause, or relocation, building a strong emotional foundation.
  • Stress and Fatigue Management: Techniques to cope with stress and fatigue, enhancing overall well-being.
  • Recognising and Addressing Symptoms: Helps in identifying symptoms of conditions like postnatal depression and providing a non-judgmental space to discuss your feelings.
  • Developing Coping Strategies: Provides strategies to manage conditions such as postnatal depression or the emotional impact of relocation and life transitions.
  • Symptom Management: Offers support in managing physical and emotional symptoms of menopause and other life changes.
  • Emotional Resilience: Builds emotional resilience and coping mechanisms to handle stress and changes effectively.
  • Grief Processing: Provides compassionate support for processing grief after pregnancy loss, helping you begin healing.
  • Hope and Healing: Offers hope and healing after significant losses, helping you find ways to honour your experience and move forward.
  • Emotional Support: Provides a safe, non-judgmental space to explore feelings and process experiences such as abortion.
  • Self-Esteem Building: Helps rebuild self-esteem and navigate feelings of guilt or shame, fostering empowerment and self-compassion.

For more information on life transitions and therapy options, visit these resources: