The Six Hidden Emotions That Could Be Holding You Back

As an experienced practitioner of emotional wellness and transformation, I’ve observed a common thread among many women I’ve worked with. This thread is composed of deeply suppressed emotions that, when left unchecked, can block personal growth and self-fulfillment, often leading to self-sabotage and emotional distress.
It’s time to bring these shadowy emotions into the light. By acknowledging and addressing them, we can turn them from stumbling blocks into stepping stones on the pathway to success. Here are the six hidden emotions that you might be grappling with, often without even realising it.

Hidden Hatred: Hatred is often seen as a ‘taboo’ emotion, something we believe we shouldn’t feel. Yet, if unacknowledged and unexpressed, this emotion can find a way to manifest physically, such as a persistent health issue or an unexplained pain.

Suppressed Sorrow: This refers to a profound sense of hurt, akin to heartbreak, that’s too painful to confront directly. It’s an emotion so deep that we might bury it to avoid the discomfort it brings.

Feeling of Entrapment: This emotion arises from the belief that we lack choices or control in our lives. This sense of being trapped can be debilitating, creating a wall between us and our aspirations.

Victim Mindset: Here, I’m referring to the sense of being a victim as recognised by professionals such as health workers or law enforcement, not the concept commonly referred to in personal development circles. This feeling can keep us stuck in a cycle of disempowerment.

Existential Despair: This emotion reflects a feeling that life isn’t worth living. It’s like a candle flickering on its last bit of wax, leading to a series of negative experiences and a draining of our zest for life.

Misguided Virtue: This is perhaps the trickiest of all. It involves a belief we consider virtuous, such as ‘I must always strive to be a good person’, but that actually masks a deep-seated fear. For instance, the fear of being seen as ‘bad’ can lead us to make regrettable decisions, causing self-disgust and making us vulnerable to manipulation.
The tricky part about these hidden emotions is that the more we believe we’re free from them, the more likely they are lurking within us, subtly influencing our thoughts, feelings, and actions. They’re like layers of an onion, each one hiding the others underneath.

However, by acknowledging these emotions and working through them, we can start a domino effect of emotional release and healing. Often, it’s the emotions we least suspect that hold the most significant insights for our growth and transformation.

Remember, self-awareness is the first step to change. By understanding and addressing these hidden emotions, we can clear the path to success, happiness, and emotional freedom. It’s a journey worth taking, and I’m here to guide you through it.

If this resonates then Creatrix Transformology or Counselling with Cheryl could be right for you.Book a free block identification call to explore which therapies are available and what could work for you. To find out more about Cheryl click here.