


Unshackling the Past: How Transformology Empowers Women to Overcome the Shadows of Abuse

Unshackling the Past: How Transformology Empowers Women to Overcome the Shadows of Abuse Abuse, in any form, leaves deep and lasting scars. It can distort self-perception, shatter confidence, and instill a persistent fear that undermines every aspect of life. For many women who have suffered abuse, the journey to healing may seem insurmountable. Yet, with […]


Shaping the Edges: How Counselling Can Empower Women to Set Healthy Boundaries

Shaping the Edges: How Counselling Can Empower Women to Set Healthy Boundaries Boundaries – they’re the invisible lines that define our personal space, both physically and emotionally. They’re crucial for maintaining our sense of self and preserving our emotional well-being. Yet, for many women, setting and enforcing boundaries can be a daunting task. In this […]


Elevating Confidence at Work: The Transformative Power of Creatrix Transformology® for Women

Elevating Confidence at Work: The Transformative Power of Creatrix Transformology® for Women In the competitive landscape of the workplace, confidence is a crucial asset. It fuels ambition, fosters resilience, and bolsters your capacity to navigate challenges. However, it’s a trait that many women struggle with, often due to ingrained limiting beliefs and societal conditioning. This […]


Taming the Beast: Dealing with Job or Business Stress through Mindful Strategies

Taming the Beast: Dealing with Job or Business Stress through Mindful Strategies In the dynamic world of work and business, stress is a constant companion. From meeting deadlines, dealing with challenging clients, to managing a team or business, the pressure can seem unrelenting. While a certain level of stress is unavoidable and can even motivate […]


Reclaiming Your Authentic Self: The Transformative Power of Creatrix Transformology® for Women

Reclaiming Your Authentic Self: The Transformative Power of Creatrix Transformology® for Women In a world that persistently pressures us to fit into pre-defined molds, it’s easy to lose sight of who we are at our core – our authentic selves. This holds particularly true for women, who often find themselves balancing multiple roles and expectations. […]


Unravelling Women’s Anger: A Therapeutic Approach through Counselling

Unravelling Women’s Anger: A Therapeutic Approach through Counselling When we think about anger, we often associate it with outbursts, heated arguments, and volatile behaviour. However, women’s experience with anger is often much more nuanced and complicated. In a society where women are expected to be agreeable, nurturing, and forgiving, expressing anger is often stigmatised, leading […]


Breaking Free from Unhealthy Relationship Patterns: The Transformative Power of Creatrix Transformology®

Breaking Free from Unhealthy Relationship Patterns: The Transformative Power of Creatrix Transformology® Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a loop, repeating the same relationship mistakes over and over again? You’re not alone. Many women find themselves in a cycle of unhealthy relationship patterns, often unaware of how to break free. In this blog, […]


Navigating Hormonal Mood Swings: How Counselling Can Be Your Compass

Navigating Hormonal Mood Swings: How Counselling Can Be Your Compass From puberty to menopause, hormonal fluctuations are a constant in a woman’s life. These hormonal changes often bring about mood swings that can sometimes feel like an emotional roller coaster ride. Understanding these changes and learning how to manage them is crucial for mental wellbeing. […]


Why Every Yoga Teacher Needs Creatrix Transformology®

Completing the Mind-Body-Spirit Triangle: Why Every Yoga Teacher Needs Creatrix Transformology® Yoga is a transformative practice. It stretches and strengthens the body, promotes mental clarity, and encourages spiritual growth. Yet, even the most dedicated yoga teachers may find that there are barriers they struggle to overcome, limitations that traditional asanas and meditation can’t quite address. […]


How Creatrix Transformology Can Empower New Mums

  Unleashing Motherhood’s Full Potential: How Creatrix Transformology Can Empower New Mums Navigating the journey of motherhood is a profound and transformative experience. However, for new mums, it can often feel overwhelming, exhausting, and at times, even isolating. Anxiety, self-doubt, and a loss of identity can creep in, casting a shadow over this otherwise joyous […]